My original idea was to make a laptop computer from a pizza box. Since pizza boxes are square that didn't work out. While visiting Canada this past summer I came across a blueberry box that was just the right size and shape. Brought it back to Brooklyn. It sat around for a while. One day out came the X-acto knife, Elmer's glue, some Fom-Cor, black paper, aluminum foil, Duct Tape, etc. and this construction was born.
a starbuck coffee?!
No. Starbucks doesn't use white paper cups.
hum....here they use paper!have a nice new year!
I didn't know this. I've only ever seen Starbucks use paper cups printed with their logo and a pattern. I guess in other countries they use white paper cups.
yes. and white cups!
in the link there is the foto.
The Starbucks cup shown on the blog you mentioned is white but has the Starbucks logo and information regarding the size and type of beverage. The cup I used is plain white with no printing.
ok...you can have the cup:)
This is coolest thing I've seen all week!
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